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Endless journey of Human


Endless journey of Human

Sun rises and sets - spontaneous. But what is the reality? Not a single day is repeated. Every day comes with changes.

The Earth was formed 4.5 billion years ago. In this, life particles formed 4.1 billion years ago. From atomic organisms to humans, fish, birds, animals, streams, mountains, forests, and grasslands, the earth has evolved over time.

You may have heard of Darwin's theory of evolution, even if you have never heard of it, Is there anyone who has never called "Monkey" when he gets angry or to provoke anger?Calling our ancestors unknowingly.This world is subject to change. It took billions of years for evolution from ape to man.Later, primitive humans, who lived naked in the forest like monkeys, began to use leaves and bark to cover their nakedness. Humans, smarter than animals, began the quest to improve their living conditions. So he invented weapons to hunt animals and began to build shelters from the rain and sun. They began to raise animals and use them for their own needs and food. Thus his inquiries extended to many discoveries. Through the discovery of metals, to the advent of industries, The rise of technology has reached the age of electronics as we see it today.And yet he jumps, from one to another, from there to another. He dreams of living on the other planets.

Listen to these lines from Malayalam poet Poonthanam's Jnaanappana;
Ten is enough for a hundred If a hundred, thousand is enough
Malayalam(Pathe kittukil nooru mathiyennum
Shathamenkil Sahasram mathiyennum)

What a meaningful lines..Wild men such as those who used leaves to hide, no matter how many outfits you get today, he/she keep looking for a fashionable dress again and again. Bought a bicycle, then bought a two wheeler, after that he bought a small car, then he bought a luxury car;;from the roof to the mansion. His needs, desires and dreams will go on like that for a long time. It will go on indefinitely. Although it took millions of years for the ape to reach man,the transition from naked primitive man to modern man was very rapid; Especially since he started the quest behind the comforts of life. Humans, smarter than animals, began the quest to improve their living conditions. The desires of men increase; and also his requirements. Those who traveled long distances on foot, relies on vehicles to travel even a kilometre. With the advent of modern appliances in the kitchen, the old-fashioned ammi and ural have disappeared. All these lifestyles are destroying our physical fitness. Diseases abound. His natural immunity is weakened by changes in his diet. When we feed the animals of our choice, they are changing the natural diet they prefer. As a result, they lose their natural immunity and become susceptible to disease. Fatal diseases are caused by the migration of germs from animals to humans. becoming contagious. For example: AIDS, which transmits the HIV virus, entered humans from chimpanzees. The Ebola virus came from bats.

Although many drugs and vaccines have been developed, such viruses still pose a threat to society. In addition, new germs are born or created. The CORONA virus, which will spread worldwide by 2020, has been accused of being man-made. In addition, there are germs that can be transmitted to humans during laboratory experiments on animals. AIDS is an example of this. Human discoveries and experiments pose a threat not only to humankind but to all living things on earth. Human discoveries and experiments pose a threat not only to humankind but to all living things on earth.

Without giving value to their fellow human beings, the nature in which they live, other living beings or even the water they drink, by giving importance only to their own comforts. Humans are in a full race. subtlety has blocked his leap. He is imprisoned in front of the corona virus. There is only fear and doubt in people all over the world. Everywhere you look today, the tide of protectionist sentiment is flowing. Because of the fear of corona, stories that alienate father and mother, and the wife and husband fall apart in the relationship. Relationships are meaningless. Because of Corona threat, hose sentenced to loneliness choose suicide out of fear and intolerance of isolation.

Is this the way nature has come to restrain your leap? Or was it a mistake or a misstep on your way? The world is in an unprecedented crisis. Even economically prosperous individuals and the wealthy nations of the world are in the abyss. Not knowing what the resurrection is. He is imprisoned once a year like the curse of evil.Who can release them from curse? The trials and tribulations continue, as to who can rescue this world. The creator of the virus will be the culprit. It is to be hoped that soon the world will be freed from this bondage in the prayers of the innocent.

Hey; Man, you are not above the laws of the world. This world is not just for you. This nature is ready to correct you if you do not recognize it. If your changes and your leaps are against nature, then nature will be against you. Then your survival may not be possible with any intellect.

Many nations have stockpiles of atomic bombs and biological weapons that can destroy all life on earth. Many biological weapons are being smuggled out of the country, knowingly or unknowingly. Does he not realize that not only his neighbors but himself will fall into the pit he dug? Recognized; But he has the mental strength to adopt any means to get ahead of others. He's overconfident that nothing will happen to him.

The battle of Kurukshetra was fought out of jealousy and envy of Duryodhana. It wiped out the entire Kaurava clan. Gandhari wept as he looked at the still bodies of his children; He cursed Krishna, accusing him of being the culprit; "May your Yadav clan fight and perish". Krishna witnessed that destruction. But on this earth no Krishna can be seen to witness the destruction of mankind.

Beloved, there are more and more good-hearted people in this world, so let us hope that only good outweighs evil.

Not a single day is repeated. Every day comes with changes. Therefore, a good tomorrow will dawn.

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