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Organ Trade mafia - Organ transplants and demand

                  Organ Trade Mafia

In this article I am mentioning about the organ trade mafia, organ transplants, demand and supply(availability) of organs. I am trying to give an Insights on organ transplants in America and India, how demanding are organs?, two types of legal organ transplants in India and referred a news report about the irresponsibility's regarding the allocation of organs to the patients 

Organ trade


I am not sharing any fictional stories. We all are familiar with the word “harvesting” related to agriculture. Organ sale is a new business trend in the world – big business turns over with zero investment. Every day we are hearing missing cases; who know that they are victims of organ harvesting. A Malayalam movie - "Joseph", based on Organ mafias clearly elicit about the work of organ mafias. How they targeting a person for getting matching organs, how they canvasing people for donating organs, how they are canvassing helpless patience. We were seeing suspicious road accidents, hospital death, murder cases, etc. some of them are pointing towards organ mafias.

Organ Transplants Demand - Insights

In America as per September 2020 statics about 109000 men, women and children are on the National transplant waiting list. In 2019, 39718 transplants were performed, 17 people die each day waiting for an organ transplant, every 9 minutes another person is added in the transplant waiting list.  

At India about 5lakh people die every year waiting for the transplant. 2 lakh people await kidney transplant, but only 10,000 get. 15,000 thousand heart transplantation required every year, but only 250 transplants happen every year. There is a need of about 1.5 to 2 lakh kidney transplants a year, while only about 8,000 transplants happen. Also, as against 40,000 - 50,000 liver transplants required a year, about 1,700 -1800, but 800 happen each year.

Demanding situations

Tolerance is hanging tight for, lung, cornea, liver, pancreas, kidney and heart transplantations. The interest for organ transfers, particularly kidney transfers, is simply so high. Corneas, kidneys, liver, lung, digestion tracts, bone marrow are the most well-known transfer needs. At the point when families or people are worn out on going through years on a clinical holding up list, they once in a while buy body parts – kidneys, eyes, lungs, heart, appendages and that's only the tip of the iceberg – for relocating on the underground market. However, organ gathering is a shocking reality in the criminology universe of today. Organ mafias are mushrooming in the light of this scarcity of organs.

Types of organ donations

Organs for transplantation come from two sources. The first and still the most prevalent in India is live donors, often close relatives or occasionally distant relatives. The other way is to provide some form of legal sanction for unrelated donors. The other source, which is the commonest way in which organs are obtained is deceased donation wherein organs are removed after the declaration of brain stem death with consent from the family. The law legalizing brain death was passed in India way back in 1994(Transplantation of human organs and Tissues Act 1994). Once the family has agreed to donate organs, the hospital informs it's own Nodal officer in charge of organ donation about the death and consent of the deceased. In the case of organs like kidneys and lungs, the hospital can use one of the organs to the patients on the waiting list in their hospital and the other organs to the government organ pool. But it is sad to say that some hospitals are misusing these provisions

News report about organ donations

"Dr. Sasikala K, head, Forensic Medicine Department, Government Medical College, Thiruvananthapuram, admitted that some wrongs were happening in organ donation and transplantation processes at private hospitals. “What usually happens in the private sector is that if there is a brain-dead patient and his/her relatives express their wish to donate the organs, the hospital then donates one organ to the government pool and the other they allot as per their wish. This is happening when there are strict guidelines regarding organ donation and transplantation,” said Dr. Sasikala.

Are you safe?

This organ mafias have many ways to trap the victims. Sometimes it will be your friend who is an agent of such mafias. Sorry for creating a suspicious world.  While you and your friend are in a restaurant and taking food, you are collapsed. He and mafias taking you to a hospital where the hospital surgeons have a tie-up with that mafias.   There’s also a strong chance you might die on the operating table after surgeons sedate you and start removing organs from your body, one by one — while you’re still alive….

Consistently we are catching wind of missing and abduction cases. Who realized they were the casualties of organ collecting?


The time exaggerated, the world should focus on effective law to control mafias and to promote organ donations by legalizing various ways of organ transfer. Otherwise, the child abduction will increase, the hospital will be a dangerous place for patients and no one can trust one another with a fear of cheating for taking organs.

Written by Lekha

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  1. Yes, it's happening. Relevent article for the time being
